Sunday, December 19, 2010

And now I'm back (But not from outer space)

So it's been a year, and instead of making a new blogspot account to jot down my incoherent thoughts, I decided to revitalize this old girl and maintain a constant display of (somewhat) intelligent thoughts. I realize at the moment I have one follower who probably deleted her account a long time ago, so basically this is more of a journal of my thoughts than anything else, a vent of sorts.
I have succumbed to the treacherous webs of entertainment television. Even now I am sitting in front of the tv while my roommate watches "Exits Through the Gift Shop". I need get back to my era of self reflection. So that's why I am here today. I have a very busy next few months and I want to use this blog to sort of update my "audience" and keep me sane. I am not going to just recap the events of my day but give an insight to what, why, how things are happening and more so on a broad view of these topics, not just my personal depiction.
In my next post I am going to go over the webshow my friends and I are creating for and by Austin, Texas. Stay tuned.....